You can use the main search bar to look for items or shops. For info on searching Teams, Forums, Treasuries, and the Blog, click here.
As you type your search, you’ll see suggestions for search terms,
categories, and subcategories. If you choose the top suggestion, that
will search All Items.
You can also type this web address in your browser's address bar: Replace shopname with the actual shop name.
You can also try the Shop Search page.
Shop search ia located on the left side of the supplier list.
Here are a few tips to help you search on EasyWeave:
- Use multiple, descriptive terms in a search to narrow down the results. For example: black Brazilian hair will return fewer, more specific results than just Brazilian.
If you’d like to filter your search results even more, you have several options for doing so.
On the left side of every search results page, you’ll see a menu that lists item categories.
After you select a category, sub menu's for Human Hair Types, Texture, Processing, Color and True Length will appear.