When you buy on EasyWeave, you're purchasing from an individual seller. If you have any questions about an item or order, reach out to the seller.

Step 1: Add an Item to Your Cart


You will be able to select the lengths that you want to purchase, and enter how many pieces you want in the quantity box.

Access your Cart at any time by clicking the cart icon at the top right of the site. You are welcome to add multiple items from different EasyWeave shops to your Cart.


Step 2: Add Order Details

In your Cart, you can select a shipping destination, review the cost of the item, or change the quantity you'd like to purchase.

If there's anything you need to tell the seller, you can do so in the Note to... field.

If you have a coupon code, enter the coupon code in and then Apply after entering your code.

Proceed to Pay with PayPal or Credit Card when you're ready.


Step 3: Enter Your Shipping Address

Enter your correct shipping address where the hair should be delivered.

Click Ship to This Address.

You'll be redirected to PayPal. Here you can either choose to pay with your PayPal account or select the option to pay with a debit or credit card.

Pay with my PayPal account will prompt you to log in with your PayPal account details.

If you choose Pay with a debit or credit card you'll then be prompted to fill in your billing and credit card information.

You'll also be asked whether you want to save your information with PayPal. Uncheck the box if you don't want to. You'll still need to enter your email address so PayPal can send you a receipt.

Click Continue to review your final order.

Paypal has secured your credit/debit card information. Now all you have to do is click Pay!

Note: You can purchase many different products from the same shop all in one order. However you may purchase hair extensions from one supplier at a time, per order.



Congratulations! You've just made a purchase on EasyWeave. EasyWeave will send an email to you and the shop.

You can view your order information Your Account > Purchases & Feedback. You must be signed in to your EasyWeave account to view your purchase history.